Quick assign variables in jekyll.

Square brackets seem to do the job correctly.

Edit 2016-03-08

  • Changed initial text for lower height in preview (blog page).

This is how the projects/index.html page is built:

  include projects.html
  project_title="Current projects"
<div class="spacer"></div>
  include projects.html
  project_title="Past projects"

And this is the basic project.html template:

  {% for project in site.data.projects.[include.status] %}
      <a href="{{project.site}}">
        <span>{{ project.name }}</span>
        {{ project.description }}
  {% endfor %}

So, a inclusion can have parameters {% include projects.html [...] status="current"%} and you can include them right away with square brackets {% for project in site.data.projects.[include.status] %}.